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Vale do Pati


4 days of nonstop adventure and charm with one of the most beautiful trails in Brazil. Located within the National Park of Chapada Diamantina, Vale do Pati is rated at medium difficulty and includes up to 5 hours of hiking per day. Vale do Pati is symbolic of the particular biome of Chapada Diamantina and contains different ecosystems, such as savanna wetlands, savannas, and rainforests. All of this over the distance of 60km with many rivers, waterfalls, and canyons. Easy and convenient accommodations are available from local residents along the course of Vale do Pati. The trail begins with a car ride towards Guinea with a breathtaking view of the Serra do Sincorá. Initially, we will hike to the Gerais do Rio Preto. After a break from hiking at the Rio Preto, we will continue along a gentle path to the Cachoeirão. This waterfall, the Cachoeirão, boasts a height of 270m and is one of the highest waterfalls in the Chapada Diamantina mountain range. It is here that one will find a unique view of the Cachoeirão Valley. From the waterfall, we will begin our gradual descent to Vale do Pati.






Hiking in Catolés


Catolés is a small town in the Abaíra district and was founded in the second half of the eighteenth century by settlers in search of gold. Catolés enchants by the hospitality of its people and offers different leisurely options with several waterfalls, caves and underground rivers, cave paintings and colonial mansions, making Catolés of Abaíra, a great attraction for eco-tourism. In three days you can leisurely hike in Catolés while visiting the local communities and visiting the Pico do Barbado, the giant mountain of Bahia and of the northeast (at 2033m).


Trail of water


Trail of water is an excursion in Chapada Diamantina to visit the second largest waterfall Brazil, the Cacheoira da Fumaça (Smokey Waterfall) at 340 meters high. It includes a 3-day hike from Lençois to Valo do Capão. This trail is rated at a high level of difficulty, but very rewarding by its lush nature through canyons and bathing in waterfalls, such as the waterfalls of Palmital and Capivara.


The Giants of Bahia


This trail is located in the southern part of Chapada Diamantina, and was formed during the times of gold exploitation by the colonial Portuguese.The Sincorá mountain range is a chain of mountains that connects the two biggest mountains in Bahia:Pico do Itobira (1970m), and the Pico do Barbado (2033m) the culmination  of northeastern Brazil(known as one of the "Giants" of Bahia). This trail is done in 4 days, originating from the city of Rio de Contas to Catolés. The hike stretches along beautiful plateaus, valleys, canyons, rivers, and waterfalls and eventually leads to the peaks of Itobira and Barbado. 



Bahia triangle


Triangulo Amoroso is one of our options with the Private Tour Guide that includes the three most captivating locales in all of Bahia (Salvador, Chapada Diamantina, and the Island of Boipeba). This packet includes 12 days of leisure, adventures, and cultural infusion.


1- Urban Hiking in Salvador


A 4-­day comprehensive tour exploring the beauties of the city and cultural identity of the first capital of Brazil. This packet includes tours not only to touristic points of the city, but also to lesser­known parts of the city that flourish with Bahian culture. Tours of museums, bars, restaurants, the Bohemian zone, popular neighborhoods (such as the São Joaquim Market, Cidade Baixa), and the islands of Baía de Todos os Santos are included upon your personal preferences.



2 - Trekking Vale do Pati


4 dias de caminhada muita numa das trilhas mais bonitas no Barsil.


3 - Hiking and Chill out in Boipeba


The island of Boipeba is a tropical paradise that belongs to the Tinharé Archipelago located on the coast of Bahia. It is featured by its rare, diverse beauty of its marine and Mata Atlantica (Atlantic Rainforest) ecosystems. It is the perfect location to relax after a long hike. On the 



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